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Bài tập kiểm tra từ vựng chủ đề dân số (Population)

Bài tập kiểm tra từ vựng chủ đề dân số (Population)


Bài tập

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.


Question 1: A. population

B. available

C. university

D. education

Question 2: A. support

B. surplus

C. downward

D. limit

Question 3: A. punishment

B. government

C. journalism

D. organization

Question 4: A. resource

B. average

C. decrease

D. method

Question 5: A. explosion

B. densely

C. fertility

D. insurance


Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


Question 6: A. populate

B. method

C. produce

D. control

Question 7: A. great

B. available

C. raise

D. said

Question 8: A. decreased

B. used

C. reached

D. developed

Question 9: A. growth

B. earth

C. birth

D. southern

Question 10: A. double

B. govern

C. punish

D. explode


Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 11: Population explosion seems to surpass the ability of the earth to             the demand for food.

  1. make B. need C. have D. meet

Question 12: While southern California is densely populated,             live in the northern part of the state.

A. a number of people B. many people

C. few people D. a few of people




Question 13: It is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough food to feed the world's rapidly


A. increasing B. rising C. accessing D. excessing

Question 14: In most           developedcountries,  up  to  50%  of             population enters higher education at some time in their lives.

A. ∅ / ∅ B. the /∅ C. ∅ / the D. the / a

Question 15: The government has made a serious attempt to raise the            of living.

A. cost B. standard C. mode D. level

Question 16: In 2017, the rate of children living           poverty in the us were highest in Louisiana at 28% and lowest in New Hampshire at 10.3%.

A. in B. off C. on D. out

Question 17: China is the fourth largest and the most           country in the world.

A. populated B. populous C. population D. populate

Question 18: Scientists say that the main reason for population           is an increase in birth rates.

A. explosion B. explosive C. explode D. exploded

Question 19: Another solution is to provide safe and inexpensive           methods.

A. birth-defect B. birth-control C. birth-mark Do birth-rate

Question 20: North America was once widely           by Native American tribes.

A. distributed B. risen C. populated D. exploded

Question 21: Mainly because of the recent health scares involving beef and chicken, the number of vegetarians is expected to rise               in the next five years.

A. increasingly B. dramatically C. slowly D. limitedly

Question 22: Mexico City is growing quickly. In 1970, the city had about 9 million people. Now it has over 17 million. All these people are causing               for the city.

A. problems  B. matters C. troubles D. issues Question 23: Most of this growth had occurred since 1950 and was known as the population               

A. growth B. explosion C. surplus D. density

Question 24: Between 1950 and 1980 the world population increased from 2.5 to over 4 billion, and by the end of the twentieth century the               had risen to about 6.6 billion.

A. number B. figure C. finger D. quantity

Question 25: Already there are encouraging signs that the rate of increase in many less developed countries is beginning to               

A. slow down B. speed up C. cool down D. heat up

Question 26: The population            is high in the southeast: 43 percent of the land contains most of its poplulations.

A. dense B. densely C. density D. denses

Question 27: The rapid growth of population led to an acute           of housing.

A. shortfall B. shortcut C. shortcoming D. shortage

Question 28: The population of the world is growing at an alarming           

A. amount B. rate C. level D. percentage

Question 29: The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of




contraception is called           

A. family planning B. birth control methods

C. family allowance D. birth certificate

Question 30: Many people believe that having a large family is a form of           

A. guarantee B. ensurance C. reinsurance D. insurance

Question 31: The planet's poorest nations have yet to find effective ways to check their population increase - at  least without               citizens' rights and violating such traditions as the custom of having large families as insurance in old age.

A. restrict B. restriction C. restricting D. restrictive

Question 32: In some countries, the growing difference between the              is giving signals of alarm to government authorities.

A. sexuality B. genders C. fertility D. racism

Question 33: According to the latest           figures, 119 boys are born for every 100 girls.

A. census B. censure C. censurable D. censor

Question 34: Many husbands are trying to           theirwives into producing more males.

A. pressure B. pressurize C. pressurization D. pressuring

Question 35: The Government has embarked on policies extending incentives to the families bearing girls.

A. innumerable B. numerable C. numeric D. number

Question 36: In China,           support, free education, guaranteed employment is being gifted to parents who gift the country with a girl child.

A. money B. monetary C. fund D. fee

Question 37: The Government is trying to persuade people to           their personal preferences and regulate their community behavior according to the new blueprint to stimulate the girl ratio.

A. suppress B. supply C. support D. surplus

Question  38: People,  with a patriarchic           , came up with their preference for a single male child. The idea of a happy family became parents with a single male child.

A. onset B. mindset C. upset D. sunset

Question 39: The problem of gender equality has been accentuated by the use of ultrasound scanning which  helps  determine  the  sex of the               This technology has played a crucial role in creating gender imbalance.

A. fetus B. cactus C. status D. circus

Question 40: Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, can result               highpopulation density, or from low amounts of resources, or from both.

A. in B. from C. to D. for

Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 41: Population growth rate vary among regions and even among countries within the same region.

A. restrain B. stay unchanged C. remain unstable D. fluctuate

Question 42: 75% of the world's population habitually consume caffeine, which up to a point masks the 

symptoms of sleep deprivation.




A. offer B. loss C. supply D. damage

Question 43: Some scientists say that there are enough resources to support 8 billion people.

A. bring out B. bring round C. bring off D. bring up

Question 44: If the level of VAT is raised this year, small businesses will be affected.

A. corporation B. cooperation C. operation D. coloration

Question 45: China is the most populous country of the world. Its population is approximately 1.3 billion people, which is almost 16% of the world population.

A. roughly B. totally C. presumably D. countably

Question 46: Better healthcare and agriculture have led to rapid population growth.


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